Saturday, October 24, 2015

Municipal Park

Today we went back to the Municipal Park in the center of the city for some peace and quiet.  That's hard to find here in Quito.  We took the Ecovia bus that stops right outside of our apartment building and went for 5 stops.  When we got off we had to walk uphill for about a mile.  And when I say uphill I mean UP hill!!  It was a climb with lots of stairs but we finally made it.  The sky was clear this morning.  Last time we went it was foggy.  We walked for about 2  1/2 hours in the park and then headed back down to the bus stop.  It was good to get home and have a shower and rest!!

9842.52 ft.  At this hieght it's easy to get winded when you're going uphill.

We saw some llamas in the park.  There was a herder with them.

Ahhhh!  Sitting down for a rest!!

Perhaps one of the original pines native to Ecuador.  It was the only one we saw.

Eucalyptus trees, which were brought to Ecuador after all of the native pine trees became scarce, have been spreading like weeds and are one of the most common trees.  This is the biggest Eucalyptus tree we saw.

Lots of bridges and trails crisscrossing each other.

Fruit of the Eucalyptus Tree

Lots of people and bikers on the trail but this hiker was the most beautiful

Interesting way to cut out a trail

Which way should we go.  We did take one wrong turn and ended up at a dead end.  We had to hike up a big hill to find the main trail.

Police patrol the park on horseback

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