Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mitad del Mundo

We made it to Mitad del Mundo!!  We took 4 different buses to get there.  We had to ask for directions a few times.  Dad has to pay 12 cents per bus ride and I have to pay 25 cents since I'm still young!  We could have taken a taxi and paid about $15 one way but we wanted to be adventuresome!

Workers constructing a new building.  The piles of palms on the left are to go on the roof.

Here you can see them using the palm branches for the roof.

Another shot of the building.  This was probably the most interesting thing we saw at the equator.  We were disappointed.  It's just a BIG tourist trap.  But now we can say we've been there, done that!

A statue of one of the first people that lived here in Ecuador.

The sign under the statue.

The hibiscus here are beautiful!!  Lots of different colors.

Dad standing beside one of the many hummingbird statues.  There are over 100 different species here in Ecuador.  We've seen a few with long tails.

Here I am with one foot in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern!

The latitude.

Another latitude sign.

Sitting on the equator!!!

An explanation about the 0 degree latitude.

In one of the buildings there were a lot of miniature ships.  This one is the Mayflower.

There are a LOT of shops that sell all sorts of junk.  This is a tagua fruit full of seeds and they make jewelry from it as well as carvings of animals.  The bracelets are dyed tagua.

A sectant to measure distances.

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