Sunday, November 22, 2015

STABLE training in Quito with the Ministry of Health

Hundreds of times each day, in hospitals and communities around the world, newly born infants become ill and require specialized care. Each member of the health care team—nurses, physicians, therapists and assistants—must know what to do for the sick infant. Their care must be provided in a timely, efficient, anticipatory, and effective manner. This early transitional care affects not only the immediate health of the infant, but also the infant’s long-term outcome. The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program was developed to meet the educational needs of health care providers who must deliver this important stabilization care. S.T.A.B.L.E. education is critical to the mission to reduce infant mortality and morbidity and to improve the future health of children and their families.
S.T.A.B.L.E. is the most widely distributed and implemented neonatal education program to focus exclusively on the post-resuscitation/pre-transport stabilization care of sick infants. Based on a mnemonic to optimize learning, retention and recall of information, S.T.A.B.L.E. stands for the six assessment and care modules in the program: Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood pressure, Lab work, and Emotional support. A seventh module, Quality Improvement stresses the professional responsibility of improving and evaluating care provided to sick infants.

The hospital where the STABLE training was done.  It serves the people in the southern part of Quito.  There were about 25 doctors from hospitals in the surrounding area that were trained.

A view of Quito from the hospital.

One of the doctors that helped in the planning of the STABLE program, Dr. Hinahosa.

The course attendees.

One of the doctors receiving his certifcate at the end of the course.  Dr. Jensen (blue shirt)and Dr. Rufino(in the suit) are doctors from the church that taught the course. 

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