Sunday, August 7, 2016

Azogues Market

Vendors in traditional dress.
Cheese vendor!

Chocolate vendor

We arrived at lunch time and everyone was buying something to eat.

Produce looked great.

The sales ladies kept busy shelling peas.

Anyone care for cuy?  Cuy is an onomatapia or the sound Guinea pigs make.  It is a delicacy here in Ecuador along with grubs and snails.  I don't think I'll try any!

Here are the women shelling peas!  They seem to keep busy.

Chickens for sale in the bags!

Rooster cost $25

Bunnies and guinea pigs for sale in their Easter baskets!

Baby ducks!

Cute puppies for sale.

Yummy pineapple!

Fresh chickens I hope!

How about some hoofs for dinner?

Different grains for sale.  Lady was grinding them up.

Open meat market.

Baby chicks 3 for $1.