View from plane of Cotopaxi |
Monkeys on the beach by the river |
Red Cross in Tena. They respond to 80% of the emergencies in the area. |
Crossing the river by ferry. We didn't have to do this. You could rent these canoes for a jungle river trip. There are anacondas in the river!! |
Our carry on suitcase being carried off the plane. |
Another view from the plane of Cotopaxi! |
Our plane to Tena! |
How about some refreshing jungle tea? The community all sat around and watched us drink it! Not too bad tasting! |
A house in the jungle! Would you like to stay there? Notice the plants growing out of the roof! They make moroccas out of these. There were thousands of them on the ground! |
A woman's native outfit made from coconut.
Crossing the river to get to the a little village outside of Tena. A delightful outhouse and place to wash the clothes. |
Me with my jungle umbrella! The earrings I have on were made by some disabled students. |
How do you like the size of that spider. I put my foot next to it to give you an idea of the size. It was already dead when we found it, thank goodness! |
Picking cocoa in the jungle. They grind the seed to make cocoa powder. |
a river in the jungle |